the code of ethics offers Guidelines for Interventions in the Humanitarian Context.


collected by MIT future heritage lab, the entries include contributions from refugees, experts, researchers, students, and practitioners engaged in humanitarian relief.

Students discuss the ethics of cultural interventions in the refugee context

Students discuss the ethics of cultural interventions in the refugee context

Within the frame of the class Art, Architecture, Urbanism in Dialogue: Design for a Nomadic World taught by taught by Future Heritage Lab Director, Azra Aksamija at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students share ethical reflections on cultural interventions in the refugee context. Questions, considerations, and dilemmas are extracted from the analysis of specific examples in artistic practice around the world. 

Is it ok to make it personal if you are an individual with a first hand experience of war and crisis?

Is it ok to make it personal if you are an individual with a first hand experience of war and crisis?